Gwen Li President
Vania Tan Vice President
Marcus Zhou Secretary
Linda Li Treasurer
Cassandra Yong Entertaiment Director
Kenneth Tsang Sports Director
Read on for exclusive interview with the committee members...
1. What course are you doing at the moment?
Gwen- English Language and Literature
Vania- Graphic & communication Design
Marcus- Computing
Linda- French & Economics
Cass- Law
Kenneth- Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies
2. Whats the best thing about Uni so far?
Gwen- It's the first time in my life I don't have anything to complain about.
Vania- It's got to be freedom, independence and meeting tons of people!
Marcus- Having fun and making new friends and going out at night
Linda- Independence and freedom
Cass- Living alone and learning to be independant
Kenneth- Freedom...but it has a price known as responsibility. Imagine being in prison for 18 years, then imagine freedom!
3. What drawn you to BBC society?
Gwen- The fact that I didn't have to be an actual BBC to be accepted into the society.
Vania- Its the people and friendships made.
Marcus- The BBC society was a society that suited my culture background
Linda- I was drawn to BBCSoc because I wanted to meet more people who shared a similar background to me
Cass- being a part of people who have similar background and interests as myself (influences from both the western and eastern world)
kenneth- To have FUN!
4. What do people normally associate you with? ( for example: nickname? celebrity? blahablha)
Gwen- Gwen Stefani...? Or have I used up the amount of times I can use this?!
Vania- Van, Vans, John Claude Van Damme
Marcus- People dont normally associate me with things but i did have a nickname back from high school
and people called me zhouwow.
Linda- Nicknames: Linlin, Lindaroo. People also think I'm VERY tidy and domestically apt for reasons I cannot fathom :s
Kenneth- Just KENNETH!
5. Whats the one thing you want to do but can't?
Gwen- Be in all corners of the world at the same time.
Vania- Be a fly on the wall
Marcus- i wish i could mutli task but i cant
Linda- Who says you can't do anything? Everything is possible
6. Give me a quote.
Gwen- "I can resist everything but temptation." - Oscar Wilde
Vania- ''Lord if you can't make me skinny, make my friends fat''
Marcus- ''fail to prepare , prepare to fail''
Linda- "If you want something saying, ask a man. If you want something doing, ask a woman." Margaret Thatcher
Cass- ''live life to the full than to wonder 'what if'''
Kenneth- "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined"
7. Visions for BBC society?
Gwen- Reach for the moon and if we don't make it we'll land among the stars.
Vania- For BBC society to draw people to itself without the need of asking people to join
Marcus- To make the BBC society bigger and better.
Linda- Opening our doors to loads of new members, especially to people who think they can't join but they clearly can, yet maintaining our tight-knit community ethos. Plus many more events, hilarious moments and embarrassing Facebook pics!
Cass- Meet more friends, broaden friendship circles
Kenneth- Bigger, better and cooler.
8. What you think got you into this committee?( now no boasting)
Gwen- I've been spending more time with this society in my first year than pretty much anything else. Enough said.
Vania- Just being at most events and having a good circle of friends there.
Marcus- I think i got into the committee because i turned up to most of the BBC events and am easy to talk to.
Linda- No one else had the balls to put themselves up for treasurer...
Cass- many friends, and on going support from friends
Kenneth- To gain the experiences that I will never forget.
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