Mark Fung          President
Thomas Wong  Vice President
Emily Ch'ng       Secretary
Jason Ho            Treasurer
Kate Zhang        Events Director
Victoria Ip           Sports Director
Read on to know more about them!!

The 09/10 President - Mark Fung
Mr. Fung is studying to be a tooth fairy at the University of Leeds. That means he’s a dentist by the way. Mark is a “farmer boy” from the small market town of Spalding, Lincolnshire. Whilst taking his gap year he made 2 trips to China to learn Mandarin and some random volunteering. The treasurer wants to go back to his roots and one day work as a dentist in Hong Kong. Whilst not checking out some teeth, Mark loves traveling hoping to one day do the Inca trail. He wishes to “see the world and get involved”. Well handling the BBC funds will allow you to do that, wink wink nudge nudge. Some of his favourite bands include Maroon 5, Maximo Park, Snow Patrol and don’t forget Escala [string quartet of “fit girls”]. He also loves to watch Lost and Heroes amongst many other cool TV shows. 
Mark was treasurer last year because he has had past experience from another society. That experience was vital as he was successful in clinching sponsorships from many businesses in Leeds.
This year he stepped up his game and got elected as the President. He hopes to continue to expand the society and even improve it. With the help of a talented strong committee and his experience we do not have a doubt that he cannot fulfill his ambitions for BBCsoc. 

The 09/10 Vice President - Thomas Wong
Tom is a final year Aviation student at the University of Leeds. Born and raised near Manchester Airport Tom has always had the passion to become a pilot.  Whilst not flying in his plane Tom likes playing Football, pool/snooker, singing karaoke, watching films and chilling out. He dislikes the cold weather in Leeds, who doesn’t? The Vice President listens to all types of music from Hip Hop/R&B to Indie Rock & Roll. You should see his iTunes library! Tom lives by the quote: “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”

The 09/10 Secretary - Emily Ch’ng

Emily, a 2nd year reading literally English literature, is small and Asian. As you’d expect an English student to do in their spare time, Emily reads lots of books. Good job Emily, I guess someone has to read them. When not reading a book, she watches the usual TV shows from across the Atlantic including 24, Lost and Ugly Betty. Music-wise Emily listens to bands like The Killers, Goo Goo Dolls, Snow Patrol... and Disney! She is from somewhere in London which explains her well spoken Southern accent. Her accent is so British that when she tried to speak Mandarin most of us thought she was still speaking English. After impressing the AGM audience, she got voted into the committee as a true banana. 
Emily wasn’t part of the junior committee but still got elected Secretary. She has proved herself as a great asset to the team providing her full commitment. 
The 09/10 Treasurer - Jason Ho

Jason is another dentistry student so you can assume the BBCsoc dental care is more than adequate. There are many similarities between last year’s treasure and Jason: both from the East Anglia area, both dentistry students, both weren’t in the junior committee, both gay... only joking. Jason is a devout Christian and attends church regularly with members from the Malaysian and Singaporean Society. 
The picture for Jason above was used because he had eaten at Charco’s during revision time every-night for a few weeks. We sent him on a mission to get us sponsorship from them but has yet been unsuccessful. We will send Mr. Chicken Lover back trying! Lots of you will find yourselves eating there. 
Having not been in the junior committee Jason really did well in persuading the AGM audience to elect him. His determination towards the job has impressed us already. We’re sure this will continue all year round. 

The 09/10 Events Director - Kate Zhang
Kate is the events director this year. She studies something about business at Leeds Met extending our BBC links at Leeds Met. On her facebook she claims she doesn’t drink, doesn’t go out, doesn’t socialise and doesn’t do anything. Well from that statement she DOES lie. Kate is a local girl and has been helping the society to sell tickets for a year already. She is easy to get along with and you can approach her with ease, something definitely needed to be an events director. We’re sure you will get to know Kate when she doesn’t drink and then doesn’t start to socialise. 
The appointment of this position to Kate was rightly so. Since she doesn’t go out or drink she would make a perfect events director. 
The 09/10 Sports Director - Victoria Ip
Victoria is a second year Neuroscience student. Brain surgeon Vicky is quite rightly so the sports director. Here’s why... She climbed to the summit of Mt Killer-Man-Jaro aged 16, does ball room dancing, has a black belt in Ju Jitsu, plays badminton, goes to the driving range and her favourite movies include Bend it Like Beckham and Cool Runnings. Just because she is the sporty spice of the committee, it doesn’t make her manly, she loves to listen to S Club 7 and shizzle like that. Like a lot of us she watches Lost, 24, Scrubs and medicine related House M.D. Miss Ip likes to have a good laugh and if gets a bit too tipsy starts pushing people around. She is from the North East so her family all work in mines. Her accent is not as strong as you might expect though. Ni as bad as da udaa lassess up there likeee. 
Victoria was the clear favourite for this position this year. Her experience and scope across all varieties of sports is intriguing. We hope she can get the society active in some new sports other than the usual football, badminton and basketball. 

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